
Supports reporting data about service outages for a Port on a Station. The reported data includes the start/end time of an outage, and its cause.

RAW files:

# $schema: "https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema"
$id: "./outage.schema.json"
$comment: "Copyright (c) 2024, David Herron, under the BSD 3-Clause License"
title: "Outage"
description: "Supports reporting data about service outages for a Port on a Station.  The reported data includes the start/end time of an outage, and its cause."
type: "object"
    - outage_id
    - port_id
    - station_id
    - outage_start
    - outage_end
    - outage_duration
    - outage_cause
    - exempted_outage

        # default=no	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Unique identifier for an individual outage on an individual port.
        type: string

        # default=no	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Unique identifier for specified port. (For NEVI or other Part 680 project, 
            port_id must be same as the permanent station identifier provided
            to third parties pursuant to CFR 23 § 680.116(c)(8)(iii).)
        type: string

        description: |
            Unique identifier for the station where specific port is located.
            (For NEVI or other Part 680 project, station_id must be same as
            the permanent station identifier provided to third parties pursuant
            to CFR 23 § 680.116(c)(1)).
        type: string  # default=no	part 680=yes

        description: |
            Date and time when outage started or was first detected.
        type: string
        format: date-time  # datetime	default=no	part 680=no

        description: |
            Date and time when outage was resolved.
        type: string
        format: date-time  # datetime	default=no	part 680=no

        description: |
            Duration of outage in minutes (including partial minutes)
        $ref: 'common.json#/definitions/duration'
        # float(2)	default=no	part 680=yes

        description: |
            Cause of outage (e.g. equipment failure, power failure, vandalism).
        type: string  # default=no	part 680=yes

        description: |
            Is outage exempted under program rules?
        type: boolean  # default=no	part 680=yes