
  • Common definitions : Common schema definitions used by multiple types.
  • Operating Costs : Reporting for operating costs for a Station over a defined period of time. The costs include maintenance, repair, electricity, and network communications.
  • Outage : Supports reporting data about service outages for a Port on a Station. The reported data includes the start/end time of an outage, and its cause.
  • Charging port : The system that can supply power to a single vehicle. Typically this is a single charging cord on a single EVSE. But specific charging station configurations may involve two or more cords.
  • Project : Project registration is tied to a single obligated party and records project-level information such as funding source and amounts. Projects are limited to a single physical address but may cover many individual charging port deployments. Station registration (based on address) is recorded in parallel with project onboarding. While a project is limited to a single station, a station may receive funding from multiple projects over time. If a second project is applied to a station that is already in the system, then it should be linked to the existing station rather than generating a new station entry.
  • Session : Supports reporting data for each charging session on a port at a station. The reported data covers the start/end of the session, energy consumption, fees charged, and whether the session reached a successful conclusion.
  • Station : Describes a location where charging stations are installed. It records the street address, the operating organization, the site host contact, and characteristics of the site. A station is a collection of charging ports at a given location.
  • Uptime : Supports reporting the amount of uptime for a port on a station over a defined period of time.