
Supports reporting data for each charging session on a port at a station. The reported data covers the start/end of the session, energy consumption, fees charged, and whether the session reached a successful conclusion.

RAW files:

# $schema: ""
$id: "./session.schema.json"
$comment: "Copyright (c) 2024, David Herron, under the BSD 3-Clause License"
title: "Sessions"
description: "Supports reporting data for each charging session on a port at a station.  The reported data covers the start/end of the session, energy consumption, fees charged, and whether the session reached a successful conclusion."
type: "object"
    - session_id
    - port_id
    - plug_start_datetime
    - plug_end_datetime
    - charge_start_datetime
    - charge_end_datetime
    - session_duration
    - charging_duration
    - energy_kwh
    - peak_kw
    - total_fee_charged
    - energy_fee
    - session_fee
    - time_fee
    - user_id
    - successful_completion
    - ended_by
    - start_soc
    - end_soc
    - error_code
    - payment_type

        # default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Unique identifier for session record
        type: string

        # default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Unique identifier for specified port. (For NEVI or other Part 680 project, 
            port_id must be same as the permanent station identifier provided
            to third parties pursuant to CFR 23 § 680.116(c)(8)(iii).)
        type: string

        # date/time default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Date and time of session initialization (plug in)
        type: string
        format: date-time

        #  date/time default=yes	part 680=no
        description: |
            Date and time of session termination (plug out)
        type: string
        format: date-time

        #  date/time default=yes	part 680=no
        description: |
            Date and time when charging began
        type: string
        format: date-time

        #  date/time default=no	part 680=no
        description: |
            Charging end date time
        type: string
        format: date-time

        # duration duration default=no	part 680=no
        description: |
            Total duration of session (plug in to plug out)
        $ref: "./common.json#/definitions/duration"

        # duration; // duration default=no	part 680=no
        description: |
            Total duration of time when electricity was actively dispensed - may not
            always be equal to the difference between charge_start_datetime
            and charge_end_datetime due to charge interruptions or managed charging
        $ref: "./common.json#/definitions/duration"

        # non-negative float default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Electricity dispensed (in kilowatt-hours) during charging session
        type: number
        minimum: 0

        # non-negative float default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Session maximum power delivery (in kilowatts)
        type: number
        minimum: 0

        #  cost float(2) default=yes	part 680=no
        description: |
            The amount charged to the EV driver (in USD) where applicable - zero
            if driver was not charged for an otherwise paid charger, NULL if charger is not paid
        type: number
        minimum: 0

        # cost float(2) default=yes	part 680=no
        description: |
            Fee (in USD) charged to user per kilowatt-hour
        type: number
        minimum: 0

        # cost float(2) default=no	part 680=no
        description: |
            Fee (in USD) charged to user per session
        type: number
        minimum: 0

        # cost float(2) default=no	part 680=no
        description: |
            Fee (in USD) charged to users per minute
        type: number
        minimum: 0

        # default=no	part 680=no
        description: |
            Anonymized network-specific unique user ID
        type: string

        # default=no	part 680=no
        description: |
            Whether or not the session ended as expected
        type: boolean

        # default=no	part 680=no
        description: |
            Cause of the session to end (e.g., unplugged while charging).
        type: string

        # float(2) default=no	part 680=no
        description: |
            Battery state of charge at session start represented as a decimal between 0 and 1
        type: number
        minimum: 0
        maximum: 1

        # float(2) default=no	part 680=no
        description: |
            Battery state of charge at session end represented as a decimal between 0 and 1
        type: number
        minimum: 0
        maximum: 1

        # default=no	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Session error code(s) if any. Separated by comma if multiple.
        type: string

        # default=no	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Valid Payment Type
        $ref: "./common.json#/definitions/validPaymentType"