
Describes a location where charging stations are installed. It records the street address, the operating organization, the site host contact, and characteristics of the site. A station is a collection of charging ports at a given location.

RAW files:

#### From an e-mail sent by AtlasPublicPolicy
# As mentioned in replies to your other comment, we have adopted
# the federally preferred nomenclature of station (which is
# a collection of ports at a single location and is synonymous
# with 'site' in your proposed hierarchy rather than EVSE)
# and port (which is not explicitly a cord but the system
# that can supply power to a single vehicle. I.e, a port may
# have more than one cord if it supplies power to two different
# connectors through the same power supply, and both cords are
# not usable at the same time.)

# Also, as noted in another response, because EVSE configurations
# vary, we do not include EVSE as a distinct reporting unit.
# We recognize this has limitations, especially as it pertains
# to ports that share a single power supply. Those limitations
# will be addressed in an update, though likely through the
# same port-based reporting structure.

# schema: ""
$id: "./station.schema.json"
$comment: "Copyright (c) 2024, David Herron, under the BSD 3-Clause License"
title: "Station"
description: |
    Describes a location where charging stations are installed.  It records the street address, the operating organization, the site host contact, and characteristics of the site.  A station is a collection of charging ports at a given location.
type: "object"
    - station_id
    - station_name
    - station_address
    - station_city
    - station_state
    - station_zip
    - station_county
    - station_lon
    - station_lat
    - operator_name
    - operator_address
    - operator_city
    - operator_state
    - operating_status
    - access_type
    - site_host_type
    - site_host_type_detail
    - host_first_name
    - host_last_name
    - host_email
    - onsite_der
    - onsite_der_type
    - der_power
    - der_energy

        # default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Unique identity specific to the physical location of the station (site) funded by the project.
            (For NEVI/Part 680 programs, Station ID must be same as the permanent station identifier
            provided to third parties pursuant to CFR 23 § 680.116(c)(1).
        type: string

        # default=yes	part 680=no
        description: |
            Descriptive name of charging site (e.g., Mercy Hospital)
        type: string

        # default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Street address of charging station.
        type: string

        # default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            City where charging station is located.
        type: string

        # default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Valid state code of state where station or territory where the station is located.
        type: string

        # string(5) default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Valid ZIP code of where station is located.
        $ref: './common.json#/definitions/zipCode'

        # default=no	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Station county (or county analogue)
        type: string

        # float(>3) default=no	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Station center WSG84-encoded longitude in decimal degrees to at least 4 decimal places.
            Valid longitudes are between -180 and 180
        $ref: './common.json#/definitions/longitude'

        # float(>3) default=no	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Station center WSG84 encoded latitude in decimal degrees to at least 4 decimal places.
            Valid latitudes are between -90 and 90.
        $ref: './common.json#/definitions/latitude'

        # default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Name of entity responsible for operation and maintenance of the funded charging station.
        type: string

        # default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Street address of entity responsible for operation and maintenance of the funded charging station.
        type: string

        # default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            City of entity responsible for operation and maintenance of the funded charging station.
        type: string

        # default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Valid state code of entity responsible for operation and maintenance of the funded charging station.
        type: string

        # string(5) default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Valid ZIP Code of entity responsible for operation and maintenance
            of the of the funded charging station.
        $ref: './common.json#/definitions/zipCode'

        #  default=yes	part 680=no
        description: |
            Valid Operating Status.
        $ref: './common.json#/definitions/operatingStatus'

        # default=yes	part 680=no
        description: |
            Valid Access Type.
        $ref: './common.json#/definitions/accessType'

        # default=yes	part 680=no
        description: |
            Type of site host for the charging station. (e.g. public, workplace, MUD)
        type: string

        # default=no	part 680=no
        description: |
            Additional detail on site host land use. (e.g. hospital, hotel, parking garage, etc.)
        type: string

        # default=yes	part 680=no
        description: |
            Station host point of contact first name
        type: string

        # default=yes	part 680=no
        description: |
            Station host point of contact last name
        type: string

        # default=yes	part 680=no
        description: |
            Station host point of contact email address
        type: string
        format: email

        # default=yes	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Station has distributed energy resource.
        type: boolean

        # default=?? not given ?? 	part 680=no
        description: |
            Valid Distributed Energy Resource Type
        $ref: './common.json#/definitions/onsiteDERType'

        # float(2) default=no	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Nameplate capacity of onsite energy generation in kW
        type: number
        minimum: 0

        # float(2) default=no	part 680=yes
        description: |
            Combined nameplate capacity of onsite energy generation and/or
            maximum battery discharge capacity in kilowatts (kW).
        type: number
        minimum: 0