Schemas, TypeScript Types, and data validation for the EV Charging Use Data Specification

The EV Charging Use Data Specification is a set of data types for "provisioning, collecting, validating and reporting on data related to electric vehicle (EV) charger deployment and use." The goal is simplifying those reporting processes by having commonly accepted data types for reporting usage.

However, the specification simply documents data types. It does not provide anything a coder can directly use in code.

To facilitate coders creating applications with these data types this project creates the following assets:

  • JSON Schema's in both JSON and YAML format corresponding to the types published by the EV Charging Use Data Specification specification
  • A Node.js package containing
    • TypeScript types corresponding to those schema's
    • Data validation code for each of the data types
    • Serialization into JSON, YAML or CSV
    • Deserialization from JSON, YAML or CSV

The schema's can be used to generate code for other languages, using corresponding code generation tools. This project is eager to accept such contributions.

Type name Schema files Documentation
Operating Costs JSON YAML Operating Costs
Outage JSON YAML Outage
Port JSON YAML Charging port
Project JSON YAML Project
Session JSON YAML Session
Station JSON YAML Station
Uptime JSON YAML Uptime
Common Definitions JSON YAML Common definitions